Sunday, February 19, 2012

ABC world cities book

Athens, Greece - Acropolis

Copenhagen, Denmark - Canal Scene

Freetown, Sierra Leone - Market Scene

Guatemala City, Guatemala - textile market
Katmandu, Nepal - Ancient temples of Durbar Square

Prague, Czech Republic - Prague Castle Guard

Rome, Italy - the Colosseum

San Juan, Puerto Rico - El Yunque National Rain Forest
San Juan, Puerto Rico - El Morro fortress
Tokyo, Japan - Kabukicho district
Zagreb, Croatia - Zagreb Main Square w/ statue of Ban Josip Jelacic

Colosseum (detail)

San Juan Toucan (detail)

Kabukicho district (detail)

Zagreb Main Square (detail)

These are part of an ABC handwriting book for Sterling Publishing. As everyone around me can attest, this was my life these past couple months. I just got the okay to share a few, so here they are from the top; Athens, Copenhagen, Freetown, Guatemala City, Katmandu, Prague, Rome, San Juan, Tokyo, and Zagreb. I'll post more from the series when I can. Thanks so much Meredith, you are the best! Can't wait to see the finished product! Get your's here!


salli s. swindell said...

JAMEY!!!! i'm speechless! not really ; ) these are crazy great and amazing! you have been very busy!

jsz65 said...

I agree with Salli absolutely stunning!

sunlovey said...

so brilliant. dying for lima's copy.

Jamey Christoph said...

Wow thanks guys! I hope it leads to more work in this genre, maybe even a little traveling to some exotic locations.... ; )

Unknown said...

these are amazing! excellent stuff!

N.Hall said...

stunning work :)

Stephanie H. said...

Your work is lovely! Is there anyway I can purchase a copy of the "Freetown" print?


Raymond said...

Hi ggreat reading your blog