Friday, February 22, 2013

for mom

This made my week, so I just had to share.  I recently learned that the piece below, had been the focus of a project in Don Masse's second grade art class at Zamorano Fine Arts Academy in San Diego.  It's a fun idea, Masse, looks to contemporary artists for inspiration in planning lessons and posts the beautiful results on the aptly named blog, shine brite zamorano. You can check out the wonderful landscapes and all the other fun work here, each tells a story as unique as the talented little hands that created them.  Enjoy!


  1. What exuberance! Love this post and love that it's for you mom.

  2. Thank you Sally! *Hugs - is there anything as uplifting as children's art?

  3. The children's artwork is spectacular. See, you inspire so many people! Your work is always so beautifully crafted. I don't know how you do it all, but keep doing it!

  4. I agree with Richard. Your work is so skillfully created. I love that you took the time to so eloquently respond to the young artists. You put a real person behind your art - a wonderful gift to give them.

  5. Thank you Rich. The same very much goes for you. It was always a treat finding printouts of your work in the tray back in that epson printer room, and going in to steal an up close peak. ; )

  6. Thank you too Leigh Ann. I hope the kids got a kick out of my response and most of all, I hope they keep at it. I still remember a watercolor landscape I painted at about their same age, it changed everything.

  7. This was her methodology as well. She would customarily start by showing prints of famous art and then have the students copy/apply/model what the acclaimed had done. "For Mom" indeed.
