Thursday, February 2, 2012

3x3 Annual 2012

cover: Wonil Suh

The 2012 3x3 Annual in the mail yesterday and it cheered me up. Looking through all the cool stuff, I was surprised to see these! No one had let me know I'd made it in this year. I'm most proud of the teacher piece. When I see it, I think first and foremost of Mom and how much she loved her kids. I think of my own teachers Mr. Portwood, Mrs. Hunter, Mr. Geist, Mrs. Wunker, and Mr. Herd. I think of my middle school art teacher Bob Lynn. I think of you Mrs. Robinson, I can still recite All the World's a Stage, I think of you Susan Story, though I never sat in one of your desks, you've helped us in so many other ways all the more. I think of Ms. Hazel Haley who taught highschool English for 69 years! ...even teaching a Governor of Florida. I think of Frau Chapman, my German Leherin, I think of Rebecca Sexton Larson, Karen DeMichael, and Rocky Bridges - you guys are such amazing artists! Sending out a BIG thanks to you all today for all the good that you do! Do you realize how much you shape us?


  1. what a lovely tribute to all of the wonderful teachers everywhere...and especially your mom.

  2. Thanks Salli! Who were your favorites? it's fun thinking back on them. : )

  3. Wow! Can't wait till the ABC book is published and I can share it with others in my world! Love it Jamey...I confess I tear up often when I see your and Sarah's work because the creative spirit of your mother really is living on through both of you. How proud and excited she would be of you (as she always was) and the evolution of your amazing talent! Been thinking of you lately as we've just covered the American stop the first 5 presidents and will include the info, you shared about George's love of architecture. Thank you so much for the tribute to touched my heart. Having been in your Mom's classroom with her in the last months of her career I can attest to what an amazing, inspiring, dedicated and loving teacher she was. She gathered all those children into her heart and was a true mentor and encourager to them. I miss her. I will try to spread the word to some of the other teachers you mentioned.....Thanks for sharing your gifts with us adds some sunshine to our world!

  4. I'm sorry Susan, I am just seeing your heartfelt comment. Thank you for your kind words. : )
