Friday, May 6, 2011

U Street

I was walking home along U street the other night and heard a magnificent sound. Live music coming down from the second story window of a little club called Twins Lounge. Merging harmoniously with the honking and chatter on the street, it stopped me in my tracks. It's in moments like these that I feel literally, 'in tune' with the new surroundings. I came up with these the other day, playing around, in between jobs.


  1. They're cool man (keeping with old jazz lingo)!

  2. These are amazing Jamey! I hope you're doing well. You should consider selling prints.

  3. Ha! Thanks guys. : ) I've been thinking about getting into the 'selling prints' gig. Just trying to figure it all out. I was just thinking of you the other day Danny. I used a piece of reference you shared with me on a job. 1950's limited color illustrations of a family in a living room. Helped out on my end so many years later. Nice to see your message, hope all is well back in the heights!

  4. Jamey - I'm a new fan. I cam across the U Street Jazz (the first on I saw was the singer) on Pintrest, and I didn't know you were the artist. Now that I have discovered your other work, I have to say I love it, and will keep checking back here to see more. Thanks for what you do.

  5. Thank you Sopralto! I'm glad you were able to be find me! I'm starting to include my full name on samples just in case they get reposted elsewhere. I'm happy people like the images enough to share. Are you familiar with the UStreet area, it's a cool part of town and should get more attention from artists.
