Friday, May 20, 2011

Morning Routine

Hooray it's Friday! Enriching NPR programing ahead - today and over the weekend. ...just don't forget your box of tissues for Storycorps, I did in this little spot. Have a lovely Spring Weekend!


  1. can i come there, have that kind of morning with my little bro? i love that image. so cozy. like your old dead gold fish. ;-)

  2. that's funny cuz i was gonna ask the same thing...can i come over + have some coffee too?! the radio is 100% great.

  3. lol, that's definitely a future blog post, my pet gold fish Cozy... Anyhow you are both welcome anytime! Just give me a little notice so I can be sure to have enough mellon and pastries on hand! HA! I'm kidding, though I actually did have cantaloupe yesterday. ; )

  4. Ooh La La! Nice design! Keep em coming!
