Tuesday, May 10, 2011

city boy yesterday and today

I snapped the top pic during a recent visit home. It's a painting I had done in kindergarten of the downtown Raleigh, N.C. skyline. Notice the yellow blob in the bottom left corner. I think it was in those inner-city bus rides, that I developed my love for architecture and cities in general. The manhattan sketch was done quite a few years later, in a staff meeting back at AG. Ha! Just thought it'd be fun to contrast the two.


salli s. swindell said...

I hope you're framing the kindergarten creation!!! it is damn great! very inspiring staff mtg. ; )

sunlovey said...

love this comparison.
can't WAIT to have similar artistic creations by liam...

Jamey Christoph said...

Thanks you two! Salli, the tempera painting is framed and hanging in my bedroom back home. : ) And Sarah I can't wait to be able to draw and paint with little Liam. Start saving Tim's old shirts for smocks. ;)

tracy said...

Wow, I wish the staff meeting illustration was for sale! I would buy it in a heartbeat!!! LOVE.

Carey said...

Love the NYC illustration. Thinking of selling it or making more?

Jamey Christoph said...

Thankyou Tracy and Carey, I just saw these comments, so many months later. I am in the process of getting a printer, hopefully I'll be able to offer prints soon! J

Unknown said...

Hi. While I was finding a painting to make it the cover of my online fiction then I met you NYC illustration and I think it would be great. I really love it and I wonder if you can give me the permission to use your work? Whether it's a 'yes' or 'no', I still appreciate and respect your piece of work.

Cameron said...

It is interesting how your artistic style has evolved over time.