Saturday, December 28, 2013

belated Seasons Greetings!

I'm not sure why, but old Saint Nick seemed especially present in my thoughts this holiday season. Of course, I prefer a more nostalgic version - folksy, earthy, and heavily inspired by the incredible 19th century cartoonist, Thomas Nast.  Though it's time to start packing up the decorations, I think I'll keep sketching Santa, just puts me in a good mood. Happy Holidays!

Saturday, December 14, 2013


The cute idea for this one is all Brian from CCYT. Come out to today's matinee and hear your holiday favorites from stage and screen. The talented kids at Caryl Crane Youth Theater are on a roll! Read more here.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men.
 -John F. Kennedy

Friday, November 8, 2013

talk about making an entrance : )

Walking by these graceful old doors, you can't help thinking of the countless souls who have called this place home, or dropped in for a visit. General Washington came here, at the war's end, to resign his command. Lincoln came too, to offer terms of peace to the rebel delegation.  Great men and women came here - to end wars. This charming town on the Chesapeake bay, with it's tree lined streets and famous crab cakes.. hoping we can find a little peace here too. 

-thoughts walking downtown

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Fall 2013 textile designs

traditions made new
Keeping with the Fall theme, I wanted to share a few Fall icons I developed with a coworker friend at Jo-Ann Fabrics.  The designs were to have the look and feel of 18th century tapestries, (Versailles meets Cracker Barrel HA! :) but everything had to be in vector. It's a different style for me, but I'm always up for a challenge. Here is what we created.  -thanks again Michael and Johnny!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Fall 2013

You can't help but feel more connected to nature and your suroundings this time of the year and new experiences enhance that feeling even more! Though I've been busy finishing up this next batch of Children's books, I tried to make time to go sailing, pick apples, and walk through a misty pumpkin patch - all first time experiences that I wanted to share here.  Hope you're also having fun and new Fall experiences out there! : ) 

Monday, October 7, 2013

2014 Gay Games Medal



I'm happy today to share my design for the 2014 Gay Games medal.  This is an incredible opportunity for Northeast Ohio's GLBT community and I couldn't be more proud to help out. Our design celebrates Cleveland and Akron's industrial golden age, as well as their iconic skylines - two great cities hosting a great cause.

The Federation of Gay Games does amazing work, learn more at the following links:
As you can see, I considered a few local landmarks, before settling on the more recognizable, city skyline concept.

Since the medal is being embossed, it had to be designed in negative, making it a little tricky to figure out. At this point in the process, it reminds me of early 20th century woodcuts.  I love that stuff.
Cuyahoga Sunrise
I wanted to create a full color design as well, one that is uplifting and speaks to all the exciting things happening in Cleveland. Go Cleveland! Keep making us proud. 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

World Landmark Magnets

I'm excited to share these! They're just the thing I would've loved as kid and still do. Thank you to Cynthia at Galison-Mudpuppy for the fun work!  They make a smart gift for world travelers young and old, you can find the 26-piece box set in stores or online here.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

gone sailing

Oh boy, I've fallen a little behind, please be patient with me as I get things back up and running - I've moved to a new town, Annapolis, Maryland. Check back soon! : )

Saturday, August 17, 2013

fresh picked blueberries!

Had fun picking fresh blueberries the other day and enjoyed adding them to today's pancakes. The simplicity of it all has me wondering, why did we ever get away from growing our own food?  I want my own blueberry bush. :)

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Galina и Август кошка

A few weeks back, I received a friendly email from Galina, an artist in Russia who creates beautiful cross-stitch designs. She made these from my travel illustrations and was writing to make sure it was okay. I think they're great and it's cool to see these interpreted in new ways. You can see more of her designs and download free stitching patterns on her blog here. It's these friendly exchanges with fellow creatives around the world, that I enjoy the most with this blog. Google's translator is fun to play around with too. Thanks for sharing Galina - keep up the beautiful work!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

3x3 Children's Book Competition 2012

Got a nice surprise in the mail last week, the latest issue of 3x3 magazine, featuring works from the 2012 Children's Book competition. My travel series made it into the mix, and is pictured here. I've included larger versions from the grouping below. I wanted to send out a big thank you to 3x3 for the award and recognition, it means so much coming from so beautiful a magazine. Go out and grab a copy today!

Katmandu - Ancient Temples of Durbar Square

Rome - Colosseum

Copenhagen - Canal

Freetown - Marketplace

Tokyo - Habuchi District

I thought it might be fun to include the original sketches (to show how these look starting out). 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Trayvon Martin

I had an instructor in school who cautioned us from creating work about serious subjects we're not directly connected to. I understand what she meant and I wrestled with posting this.  But when I heard the verdict last night, my heart sank and I knew I had to say something.
Peace and love to the victims and families of injustice-

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

June, 26 2013

I had to say something, if only to remember today when I'm an old queen. Ha!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Mercury Summer Stock 2013

Bravo to the talented performers at Mercury Summer Stock on their upcoming 15th Anniversary Season! Very impressive guys, hope it's the best year yet - break a leg!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

AG Father's Day Concepts

Fire up the grill and kick back with another cold one, today's all about you Pops!